Thursday, 23 October 2014

All About EXO-K's Chanyeol

Name: Park Chan Yeol
Stage name: Chanyeol
Birthday: November 27, 1992
Height: 184 cm
Blood type: A

Position: Lead rapper in EXO-K

About Chanyeol
Role models: Eminem and Jason Mraz.

Favorite color: Black.

Favorite type of music: Hip-Hop, Rap

Favorite food: Galbi, Tonkatsuz

Favorite number: 21 (Twenty one)

Favorite movie: School Of Rock

Habit: Following the rhythm with his hands.

1. He appeared in SNSD's Genie (Jap. Ver) MV.

2. He appeared in TVXQ!’s HaHa Song.

3. He was the 2008 Smart Model Contest Winner.

4. Chanyeol got discovered through street casting and joined SM in 2008.

5. He volunteered at the RCY shelter to help disabled children. (Played with them and tidied up the facilities.)

6. Chanyeol shares the room with Baek Hyun

7. His roommate Baekhyun says that Chanyeol's breathing is way too loud! And on top of that, he does this loud sniffling thing before he falls asleep.

8. He's romantic (>~<)

9. The first idol group he ever got into was TVXQ. He favorite is Yunho.

10. He's always passionate about playing and learning instruments.

11. He was in the school band in High School.

12. Chanyeol has a bright and positive personality.

*Bonus Fact(s)*
Chanyeol believes he can capture a girl's heart with his deep voice.

Kai's sister will often visit their dorm with good food, and it'll mostly be consumed by Chanyeol.

Chanyeol's motto: Enjoy Yourself 
(I don't know what it means though...)

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