Saturday, 3 January 2015

3 Reasons Why EXO Is Awesome ❤

Hey guys!
It's been a long time since I posted anything—I wanted to blog about the #1000DaysWithEXO, but why not just add this in?

Yesterday was EXO's 1000th day since their debut, and let's just say #1000DaysWithEXO topped the trending hashtags on Twitter that day.

Now, let's move onto the 2 more reasons why EXO is just awesome :) 

EXO sings in 2 languages; Chinese and Korean. Plus, their songs include a few English sentences too. Separated in two groups, EXO-K and EXO-M, they promote their band and songs in both Korea and China.

EXO includes a baozi (Xiumin), a deer (Luhan), a cold guy from the galaxy (Kris), a money mama (Suho) [lmao], a dancing unicorn (Lay), an eyeliner god (Baekhyun), a troll (Chen), a prankster (Chanyeol), an awesome cook (D.O) [I wanna try his cooking ;(], a kungfu panda (Tao), a sEXO dancer (Kai) [see what I did there? *wink wink nudge nudge*] and a puppy (Sehun) c;

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I'll be doing a Q&A in around March so please send in your questions by:
1. Using #askmkz on twitter
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A quick note:
I will not be answering questions which include asking information about my personal particulars or personal life or anything of that sort.

Mkz Thunderheart

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